Re: Feedback on MWBP 1.0

On 11/17/05, Tom Hume <> wrote:
> On 17 Nov 2005, at 08:17, Magnus Lönnroth wrote:
> > I hope so. In my opinion focus should be on mobile devices browsing
> > THE
> > web. For that you need HTML and HTTP. I personally do not want WAP/
> > WML,
> > ringtones, MMS, J2ME, etc to be part of all this.
> This, I think, highlights something I'm not clear on: all this "one
> web" business.
> Is this hypothetical future a single web, where consumers want to use
> web sites on their mobile devices? Or a web where certain services
> are specifically oriented towards mobiles? Or neither of the above?

To me both things might cohexist for a while or even forever.
Even if we can make the Web for desktop computer and the web for mobile
devices converge, there will still be someone who wants to target mobile
devices only and desktop computer only.
A services based on location can be useful to be accessed from a desktop
computer, but would be damn cool on a mobile device. I won't need directions
to go from my house to the nearest post office most of the times, but while
travelling that will be damn useful. I know I might still need to access
such information from desktop computers, but still would have a higher
values on a mobile device.

While most services might converge, some might still remain separated.
Said this, there is nothing against following best practices in each of
these situations. If an idea or practice is good it's just good
independently from the device/browser you're using.

I still see space for sites only for mobiles and for desktop computers for a
few years. i-mode and the web did not converge even if they were using the
same markup.


Andrea Trasatti
Personal Blog:

Received on Thursday, 17 November 2005 13:33:24 UTC