- From: Manrique Lopez <manrique.lopez@fundacionctic.org>
- Date: Mon, 05 May 2008 10:07:38 +0200
- To: public-bpwg-pro@w3.org
- Cc: Daniel Appelquist <Daniel.Appelquist@vodafone.com>
Hi, If Dan is unable to rework the tests, I could try. If anybody has done something about this tests, it will be welcome too. I am not sure about this, but maybe TESTING is something related with other tests, and providing a group of device capabilities could help making other tests more repeatable. Consider something like: TESTING "Inform about the next device capabilities used in tests: - Screen size (or resolution) - Color depth" If capabilities listed in each category are less than 2 [FAIL] (to make the 'tester' use more than 3 different sizes or color depths, i.e.) If capabilitites listed are more than 2 and less than 4 [WARN] If capabilitites listed are 5 or more [PASS] This way, some tests could be releated with this: - PAGE SIZE USABLE: For each "screen size" value in TESTING, if page exceeds 3 screen sizes in length [FAIL] Just an idea... Best regards, El lun, 05-05-2008 a las 09:41 +0200, Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich escribió: > Hi, > > It's been very quiet on this front. > > > @Dan > Have you been able to rework the tests assigned to you? > I believe they were 4.27 - 4.31 > > I believe they are the only ones missing. > > > If Dan is unable to do this, would somebody be willing to redo the > tests assigned to him > > > > @Manrique > you had asked questions > > > Are there any updates to discussed questions from last week? > > > > TESTING > > PAGE SIZE USABLE > > USE OF COLOR > > No, I am not aware of any updates. > > > > > Other questions about tests: > > PAGE TITLE > > "Is the title too long to display on a screen matching the > > Default Delivery Context? [WARN]" > > > > Considering that DDC is 120px wide, is this test considering > > the font size used by the device to show texts? I mean, a > > 20px wide font takes more space than a 8px one. > > From what I remember, that is the reason this test is a WARN only. > > > -- Kai -- José Manrique López de la Fuente <manrique.lopez@fundacionctic.org> Área de Tecnología Fundación CTIC Web: http://www.fundacionctic.org Tel: (+34) 984 29 12 12 Parque Científico Tecnológico de Gijón Edificio Centros Tecnológicos Cabueñes s/n 33203 GIJÓN - ASTURIAS - ESPAÑA #Antes de imprimir este e-mail piense bien si es necesario hacerlo: El medioambiente es cosa de todos.
Received on Monday, 5 May 2008 08:08:22 UTC