Comments for CSS in mobileOK 1.0 Working Draft


A couple of comments for your First Public Working Draft [1] of
mobileOK. Perhaps they have already been reported.

Re: 2.2.14 MEASURES
    "For each CSS style in a stylesheet or style tag:
     If style specifies a measure of length:
     If measure uses absolute length ("px", "pt", "pc", "in",
     "cm", "mm"), FAIL"

s/For each CSS style in a stylesheet or style tag/For each CSS rule in a
handheld style sheet/

Also probably, style elements and attributes are meant to fail:

Re: 2.2.25 STYLE_SHEETS_USE [1]
    "If a style tag is not present, FAIL"

s/If a style tag is not present/If a style element or attribute is present/

Re: 2.3.17 SCROLLING (partial)
    "For each style in a style tag or external stylesheet:
     If the CSS property width or min-width attribute is set with
     a value in pixels exceeding 120, FAIL"

s/For each style in a style tag or external stylesheet/For each rule (or
declaration) in a handheld style sheet/

In other words for example, px in other style sheets like screen.css
would not fail.


Hope this helps,
Susan Lesch                tel:+1.612.216.2436
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 28 July 2006 01:30:08 UTC