Business cases Re: Summary of last weeks discussion...

On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:01:08 -0400, Alan Chuter <>  

> I'm updating the document with some of the points discussed (not all
> due to lack of time today) but it won't be online for a few days so
> here are the changes I've made.
>> Include the term "business case" as that is largely what the document is
>> about, not just technical feasibility.
> "It attempts to provide a basis for building the business case for
> adopting either the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 or the
> Mobile Web Best Practices in a web site that already complies with
> one. For accessibility, the Web Accessibility Initiative provides a
> guidance document Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for
> Your Organization."

I disagree that this document is intended to provide the business case,  
and do not support it doing so. The document we need is one that describes  
how much of one specification is met already if you have met the other  
(and therefore what remains). A business case document might be the  
province of the WAI EOWG, but not the MWBP or its Task Forces.




Charles McCathieNevile  Opera Software, Standards Group
     je parle français -- hablo español -- jeg lærer norsk              Try the Kestrel - Opera 9.5 alpha

Received on Monday, 29 October 2007 18:40:50 UTC