- From: Patricia Martín Chozas <pmchozas@fi.upm.es>
- Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 17:45:12 +0100
- To: public-bpmlod@w3.org
- Message-ID: <d40d1a8e-006c-4758-b6b3-18cc93f80764@fi.upm.es>
***Apologies for crossposting*** *Call for Papers - TermTrends25: Bridging the Gap between Terminological Resources and Large Language Models* *When*: 9th September 2025 *Where*: Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale - Palazzo del Mediterraneo, Naples, Italy (and online - hybrid event) *TermTrends 2025* is a half-day workshop co-located with *LDK 2025* (https://2025.ldk-conf.org/) that aims to provide a discussion forum on theoretical and methodological approaches for the integration of language resources, and specifically terminological resources, published following Linked Data principles, into the optimisation of LLM pipelines. In particular, this event focuses on how terminological resources can be leveraged to enhance the performance of LLMs at different stages of their lifecycle, from pre-training and fine-tuning to evaluation and application. To this end, the workshop intends to explore the advantages and challenges of leveraging Linked Data-compliant language resources in the context of LLMs. This includes examining how existing standards for representing terminological data, such as TermBase eXchange (TBX) format, and Semantic Web models like SKOS and Ontolex-lemon, can be adapted or extended to meet the needs of LLM development. In addition, the workshop aims to discuss innovative ways to integrate language resources published as Linked Data into LLM workflows to address issues such as domain adaptation, bias mitigation, and the interpretability of model outputs. The *topics of interest *for this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following topics: * Analysis of the *usefulness of language resources*, with a special interest in terminological resources published as Linked Data, in pre-training and fine-tuning LLMs. * Approaches to *represent and integrate Linked Data-based terminological data* in formats compatible with LLM architectures. * *Limitations of current terminological standards* and models for LLM-specific use cases. * Identification of *new use cases and opportunities for Linked Data-based terminological resources* to support the development and evaluation of LLMs. * Exploration of *LLM capabilities in generating and enriching terminological resources* for Linked Data applications. * Investigation of the *LLM potential in automatic conversion* of unstructured or semistructured terminological resources to Semantic Web formats. *Submission info:* * Long papers: 9–12 pages; * Short papers: 4–6 pages. TermTrends Proceedings will be published by LDK organisers, using UniorPress, indexed in ACL Anthology. Submissions must be formatted using the ACL template (https://github.com/acl-org/acl-style-files). *Important Dates* * 15th May 2025 - Deadline for paper submission * 10th June 2025 - Deadline for notification for paper submission * 15th June 2025 - Early bird registration * 26th June 2025 - Deadline for camera-ready paper submission * 9th September 2025 - TermTrends Workshop More info: https://termtrends.linkeddata.es/ Looking forward to receiving your contributions! Patricia Martín Chozas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) Elena Montiel Posada, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) Sara Carvalho, University of Aveiro (Portugal) Federica Vezzani, University of Padova (Italy)
Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2025 16:45:18 UTC