Dear Richard,
Thanks for this update! We will certainly take a closer look at the report
El mié, 1 feb 2023 a las 18:14, r12a (<>) escribió:
> dear BPMLOD folks,
> Best wishes for your relaunch!
> Since the last round of work on BPMLOD the W3C Internationalization
> Working Group has spent a lot of time talking with spec developers about
> how to attach metadata to strings to indicate the language and the
> directionality of the string. For example, JSON LD adopted some new
> approaches to allow the management of this information.[1] I wonder
> whether this is something that would be of interest to the BPMLOD group.
> We produced a document called Strings on the Web: Language and Direction
> Metadata (
> <;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Rgepxj7QNGkaui_sSstuffPD7xC42Z6-Te9byilqDIDG0ByuYwhfbhg8QcGhfw2zkKknCuRt4oXLKQ$>)
> which gives an overview of our current thinking.
> best regards,
> Richard
> [1]
> <*string-internationalization__;Iw!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Rgepxj7QNGkaui_sSstuffPD7xC42Z6-Te9byilqDIDG0ByuYwhfbhg8QcGhfw2zkKknCuSeM8ekBQ$>