[W3C BPMLOD] next telco in February (Guidelines & Best practises)

Dear all,

This is a kind reminder to those interested in participating in the
ongoing discussion on new/updated guidelines and best practises for LLOD,
to fill the poll to find a slot for the next telco
https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/egpMJPja, during this week

Also a reminder to those NexusLinguarum members willing to follow the
discussion, to register as participants of the W3C BPMLOD group
<https://www.w3.org/community/bpmlod/> (future communications will be
channeled through the BPMLOD group primarily)


Jorge Gracia
BPMLOD W3C community group co-chair

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2023 12:01:57 UTC