English WordNet 2020 Released

The English WordNet team is happy to announce the 2020 release of the
English WordNet. English WordNet is a fork of the Princeton WordNet and is
fully backwards-compatible with the Princeton WordNet.

This version of WordNet includes ~15,000 improvements over the previous
version including the addition of over 2,000 new synsets with over 3,000

The English WordNet is available in three formats

   - WordNet LMF
   - RDF based on the OntoLex-Lemon model
   - Princeton WordNet Database Files (for backwards compatibility)

In addition, a search and linked data interface is available at
https://en-word.net/ where the resources can be downloaded.

This resource is released under the Creative Commons Attribution license
and is developed as an open source project in GitHub. We are always keen to
have more contributions so please contribute on GitHub at

Received on Friday, 17 April 2020 08:51:15 UTC