[CfP] Deadline extension: The KÉKI Workshop 2016 @ ISWC

Deadline extension to July 7, proceedings will be published as LNCS
proceedings in combination with the NLP&DBpedia workshop 2016.

Apologies for cross-posting

The KÉKI Workshop 2016 - Uses of Linguistic Linked Open

in Kobe, Japan
on October 17th or 18th 2016 (to be fixed soon)
with a keynote by Yohei Murakami, Kyoto University
The KÉKI Workshop will be held at the 15th International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC)http://iswc2016.semanticweb.org/

Important Dates (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)
* Paper Submission Deadline:                    July 7th, 2016
* Notification of Acceptance:                     August 7th, 2016
* Pre-workshop paper:                               September 1st, 2016
* Workshop at ISWC                                   October 17th or
18th, 2016
* Camera-ready for post-proceedings       November 18th, 2016

We applied for publication of post-proceedings in Springer LNCS
(currently under review).
Submissions via Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kki2016

What kind of smart applications can we build, if we were able to
integrate all available knowledge, data and language resources in a
meaningful way? In order to realize the dream of artificial
intelligence, it is necessary to focus on knowledge engineering to build
information machines that enable humans to perform more efficiently in
their tasks. To achieve this goal, we believe the following two
prerequisites must be met:
* Knowledge and data must be rendered in a discoverable way and then
transformed, linked, enriched and integrated homogeneously in a huge
semantic knowledge graph
* Language technologies must first be leveraged in order to understand,
categorize and structure available textual content in all its forms.
Then, language technology must assist in building adequate interfaces
that allow humans to interact effectively with data and information via
discovery, querying and reorganization.
Research in this workshop focuses on contextualising data and ontologies
as well as capturing deep linguistic knowledge to improve machine

Purpose and scope
Some international initiatives such as the LIDER European project
(www.lider-project.eu ) and the W3C OntoLex, BPMLOD, and LD4LT community
groups, as well as the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) Working Group
for Open Data in Linguistics (OWLG), have promoted an ecosystem of
linguistic linked open data (LLOD)
One of the main motivations of this workshop is to move the LLOD cloud
to its next phase in which innovative applications will be developed
overcoming the language barriers on the Web.

The KÉKI workshop is targeted at anyone interested in Semantic Web,
Linguistics and Natural Language Processing technologies and we are
especially welcoming submissions focussing on either domain topics or
technological topics or both.

Domain Topics
* Data related to Linguistics and NLP:
    * language resource such as, but not limited to: corpora, treebanks,
dictionaries and lexicographical resources
* Linguistic and NLP Ontologies
    * proposals for novel models or extension of existing models such as
* Linguistic linked open data
    * metadata, license issues, indexes, collections, repositories,
workflows that deal with Linguistic LOD as a whole
* Web services and tools ingesting or producing linguistic linked data
and annotations

Technological Topics
* Knowledge Integration
    * Vocabularies and Models for integrating resources (and Ontology
    * Dataset metrics and quality assessment
    * Query federation and question answering
    * Metadata for linked data knowledge
    * Discoverability of data
* Knowledge Extraction
    * NLP techniques for knowledge extraction and machine reading
    * Information extraction and ontology learning
    * Pattern recognition and extraction for IE
    * Resources and use cases
    * Approaches using mappings and their maintenance from structured
sources (RDB, XML, JSON), from semistructured sources (XHTML), from
unstructured sources (Text)

Submission Guidelines

We invite submissions in the form of regular long and short papers.

All workshop papers must represent original and unpublished work that is
not currently under review. Papers will be evaluated according to their
significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and
relevance to the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper is
expected to attend the workshop upon acceptance. Submission is
single-blind, i.e. author names are visible, only reviewers stay anonymous.
All papers should follow the LNCS guidelines for formatting and must not
exceed 16 pages in length for long papers and 12 pages for short papers
including references and excluding appendices. The layout templates are
available for download from the Springer website at
https://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0 which
contains MS Office/Word instructions. The file format for submissions is
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Other formats will not be accepted.
Revised post-proceedings of accepted papers will be published as
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science in collaboration with the
NLP&DBpeida 2016 workshop.  Submissions must be uploaded
electronically by the submission deadline July 7th 2016 through
EasyChair at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kki2016
For any inquiries regarding the submission process or the workshop in
general, please send an email to our public mailing list at

We are looking forward for meeting you at KÉKI 2016!

Workshop Organizers and Contact

* Sebastian Hellmann (AKSW/KILT, Universität Leipzig, Germany)
* John McCrae (Insight Center @ NUI Galway, Ireland)
* Seiji Koide (Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center and
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan)
* Key-Sun Choi (KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea)
* Jorge Gracia (Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid, Spain)
* Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan)
* Yoshihiko Hayashi (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan)

Support Committee:
* Niko Schenk (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
* Christian Chiarcos (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
* Ciro Baron (AKSW/KILT, Universität Leipzig, Germany)
* Kay Müller  (AKSW/KILT, Universität Leipzig, Germany)

Program Committee

* Agata Filipowska, Poznan University, Poland
* Bettina Klimek, Leipzig University AKSW, Germany
* Carmen Brando, Institut National de L'Infromation Géographique et
Forestière, France
* Christina Unger, University Bielefeld, Germany
* Dimitris Kontokostas, Leipzig University AKSW, Germany
* Dongpo Deng, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
* Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Austrian Academy of Sciense, Austria
* Felix Sasaki, DFKI/W3C, Germany
* Francesca Frontini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
* Georgeta Bordea, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland
* Haofen Wang, East China University of Science and Technology, China
* Luis Morgado Da Costa, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
* Mariano Rico, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
* Marieke Van Erp, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
* Marta Villegas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
* Masaharu Yoshioka, Hokkaido University, Japan
* Michael Schuhmacher, Mannheim University, Germany
* Monica Monachini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
* Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University, Japan
* Paul Buitelaar, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland
* Philipp Cimiano, University Bielefeld, Germany
* Ricardo Usbeck, Leipzig University AKSW, Germany
* Richard Eckart de Castilho, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
* Sören Auer, University of Bonn, Germany
* Steven Moran, University Zürich, Switzerland
* Thierry Declerck, DFKI, Germany
* Ulli Waltinger, Siemens AG, Germany
* Víctor Rodriguez-Doncel, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
* Wim Peters, University of Sheffield, UK
* Yohei Murakami, Kyoto University, Japan

Received on Tuesday, 28 June 2016 13:02:40 UTC