Kernerman Dictionary News 24, July 2016

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Kernerman Dictionary News * Number 24 * July 2016
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ˇ         Towards Globalex | Ilan Kernerman

ˇ         Lexicography associations: Afrilex, Asialex, Australex, DSNA, eLex, Euralex

ˇ         GLOBALEX 2016 workshop summary and next steps

ˇ         XVII EURALEX International Congress & The Lexicographic Centre at Tbilisi State University | Tinatin Margalitadze

ˇ         ASIALEX 2017 in Guangzhou | Hai Xu

ˇ         Nineteenth-Century Lexicography Conference, 2018

ˇ         Chinalex and lexicographic activity in China | Yihua Zhang

ˇ         Treatment of entries with Chinese characteristics in English learner's dictionaries: A case study of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8e | Lixin Xia and Langwei Zhai

ˇ         Lexicography at the Society for Danish Language and Literature | Lars Trap-Jensen

ˇ         Towards Peoplex (reprint) | Ilan Kernerman

ˇ         Linked data in lexicography | Julia Bosque-Gil, Jorge Gracia and Asunción Gómez-Pérez

ˇ         From dictionaries to cross-lingual lexical resources | Guadalupe Aguado-de-Cea, Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Ilan Kernerman and Noam Ordan

ˇ         Adam Kilgarriff Prize | Michael Rundell


Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 14:04:37 UTC