[bpmlod] next milestones (spring/summer 2015)
[bpmlod] next telco: multilingual linking (09/04/2015)
[bpmlod] next telco: reuse of vocabularies in multilingual LD (23/04/2015)
bpmlod-ACTION-14: Update p3.3 accordingly
bpmlod-ACTION-15: Expand description of "ontologies and vocabularies" set of patterns
bpmlod-ACTION-16: Fix tbx guidline (sparql queries)
bpmlod-ACTION-17: Move pre-final guidelines as cg reports
bpmlod-ACTION-18: Extend the patterns to include points about lemon, provenance, linked data discoverability, versioning, etc
Call for Position Statements on the Multilingual Semantic Web Workshop at ESWC 2015
Second Call for Papers - 4th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2015)
Last message date: Thursday, 23 April 2015 13:47:30 UTC