- From: Marieke Guy <marieke.guy@okfn.org>
- Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:08:51 +0100
- To: public-bpmlod@w3.org
- Message-ID: <54057B13.8020908@okfn.org>
Dear All, There is only 4 days left in which to submit an entry to the final LinkedUp Challenge - the Vici Competition <http://linkedup-challenge.org>. Submissions need to be in on 5th September. Just to remind you - for Vici we are inviting you to design and build advanced prototypes and tools that exploit linked and/or open data for addressing real educational needs. Your tool should be mature and stable; it should be used or have been used by a fair amount of users on a realistic scale. All the Vici details are available from the Challenge Website <http://linkedup-challenge.org>. We've just written a post on how you can submit your prototype <http://linkedup-project.eu/2014/09/02/submitting-for-vici-easy-peasy/>. There is also a post on the 10 things you need to know if you are thinking of submitting <http://linkedup-project.eu/2014/07/29/vici-summer-inspiration/>. But don't be scared off. You just need to fill in a brief online form, or upload a brief description. It really is easy peasy! And once you've entered who knows what will happen - hear from our previous winners on the possibilities <http://linkedup-challenge.org/#participate>. If you have any questions then just email the LinkedUp team <http://linkedup-project.eu/contact/> - we're here to help! Looking forward to your submission! Marieke -- Marieke Guy LinkedUp <http://linkedup-project.eu/> Project Community Coordinator | skype: mariekeguy | tel: 44 (0) 1285 885681 | @mariekeguy <http://twitter.com/mariekeguy> Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/> /Empowering through Open Knowledge/ http://okfn.org/ | @okfn <http://twitter.com/okfn>| OKF on Facebook <%94https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork%94> | Blog <%94http://blog.okfn.org%94> | Newsletter <%94http://okfn.org/about/newsletter/%94> http://remoteworker.wordpress.com
Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 08:09:04 UTC