[bpmlod] next telco: patterns for TEXTUAL INFORMATION (7/3/2014)

Dear BPMLOD community members,

Our next telco will take place next Friday 7th March, at 12:00 CET, 11:00
UTC (other time zones at

With this telco we are starting a series of very relevant ones in which we
will review the patterns for describing multilingual textual information in
LD and ontologies. Also, we will have a short introduction to the
Tag Set Interest Group (that we postponed from last week).

Agenda and call details at

For preparing the meeting you can read the material and linked documents
available at


Jorge Gracia, PhD
Ontology Engineering Group
Artificial Intelligence Department
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 16:46:37 UTC