Re: [bpmlod] minutes of last telco (17th January 2014)

Hi Jorge, all,

apologies as well for missing the call.

One remark on,_17/01/2014

" Discussion of the following proposal from the co-chairs: In addition 
to the "generic" set of best pracises we are working in, the group will 
welcome more "focused" areas or application scenarios with the aim of 
identifying specific guidelines and best practises for them, such as:
     Metadata for multilingual and multimedia web content
     Linguistic Linked Data generation, publication and exploitation
     LLD-aware NLP services "

The topic "Metadata for multilingual [...] web content" is of course 
related to ITS 2.0. Would people of this group be interested to have a 
joint call with the interest group on 29 January (Wednesday), 1 p.m. UTC

Introduce the BP-MLOD group briefly and discuss potential synergies? No 
need to decide now how many people will participate, but getting a 
general feeling whether that may make sense would interesting.



Am 17.01.14 16:29, schrieb Jorge Gracia:
> Dear all,
> You can find the minutes of today's telco at [1].
> In short, we concluded that:
> - To host the new "focused" areas (e.g., Linguistic Linke Data, 
> multimedia annotation, ...) in BPMLOD we are NOT defining new use 
> cases in the group but we will "borrow" uses cases that are going to 
> be described in the context of related initiatives and W3C community 
> groups, such as LD4LT [2]. (How to effectively "implement" the work on 
> these focused areas in BPMLOD is something to be decided).
> - We have to be aware of other initiatives around (e.g., LD4LT) to 
> establish links and synergies.
> - For the next meetings we will continue working on the list of 
> patterns (naming, dereferencing, ...).
> Best regards,
> Jorge
> [1] 
> [2]
> -- 
> Jorge Gracia, PhD
> Ontology Engineering Group
> Artificial Intelligence Department
> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
> <>

Received on Friday, 17 January 2014 16:18:51 UTC