this is Mountie.
thanks for the information.
at last F2F meeting,
I believe one of important foundings is User Oriented Standard.
that will make differences and possible objectives than other blockchain
most current blockchain projects are focusing on corporate/institute levels.
not for user levels.
best regards
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Lemieux, Victoria <v.lemieux@ubc.ca>
> Many thanks Colleen (and Mike), The attached looks great. Looking forward
> to discussing with you tomorrow.
> Best wishes,
> Vicki.
> On May 30, 2017, at 1:55 PM, Colleen Kirtland <cskirtland@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> Many thanks to our co-chair Mike Palage for brainstorming the attached
> with me today. As we continue forward, the co-chair group will try our
> best to come prepared each week with something tee-ed up for discussion.
> Attached are two suggested epics we have put forth to get some more
> direction and clarity into WHAT we are seeking to accomplish. The HOWs can
> come later. Once we determine that these epics describe a worthy mission,
> we'll decompose them into smaller user stories and start to assign them to
> anyone who would like to participate!
> Sincerely,
> Mike, Nick, Mountie, Colleen
Mountie Lee
PayGate -- Payment & Money Remittance Service
Tel : +82 2 2140 2700
E-Mail : mountie@paygate.net