Re: Tomorrow's Discussion: Review candidate "Epics" for Blockchain community Group

Many thanks Colleen (and Mike), The attached looks great.  Looking forward to discussing with you tomorrow.

Best wishes,
On May 30, 2017, at 1:55 PM, Colleen Kirtland <<>> wrote:

Many thanks to our co-chair Mike Palage for brainstorming the attached with me today.  As we continue forward, the co-chair group will try our best to come prepared each week with something tee-ed up for discussion. Attached are two suggested epics we have put forth to get some more direction and clarity into WHAT we are seeking to accomplish. The HOWs can come later. Once we determine that these epics describe a worthy mission, we'll decompose them into smaller user stories and start to assign them to anyone who would like to participate!

Mike, Nick, Mountie, Colleen

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2017 03:14:04 UTC