Minutes 15.03.

Dear all,

Thank you for a great discussion. Attached is the snapshot of the use-case document. Below are minutes from the meeting:
19-21.04 RWoT
24.04 F2F -> need to reschedule due to space
25.04 Canton F2F
26.04 - 28.04 IEEE S&P
29.04 IEEE S&B
30.04 - 04.05 Eurocrypt

More details on F2F soon. Use-case document and Coleen’s work

[08:21] <marta> More details on F2F soon. Use-case document and Coleen’s work. After the f2f we should come out with a ready use-case document and plan on which ones will we be working on
[08:21] <marta> Coleen: we sent out the changed document according to our discussion last week
[08:22] <marta> how can multiple industries contribute
[08:22] <marta> visualize how things break down
[08:22] <marta> level one as was
[08:22] <marta> level two - backbone for everything below. Per Vicky's suggestion
[08:23] <marta> things that are shared across many implementations
[08:23] <marta> level 3 higher level sectors
[08:24] <marta> sectors can be defined a bit different, currently its US centric, but not meant so, just I know the field. Should describe large economics sectors
[08:24] <marta> level 4 companies
[08:24] <marta> manu asked to pick use cases and merge
[08:25] <marta> waiting for changes and inputs. I have done as much as I could
[08:25] <marta> adrian> put audit and timestamps on level two
[08:25] <marta> ...put them together, not much of a difference, probably
[08:26] <marta> ... at level 5 in Health Care we have done a lot of work in VC around writing a prescription as a use-case. Its well understandable transaction and could map tp blockchain
[08:27] <marta> coleen: does it mean that prescription is given to someone who should get it?
[08:27] <marta> adrien: both issuer and receiver
[08:27] <marta> ...has a comercial component (pharmacy), state interest component (legality), 2 actors (sides of transaction)
[08:29] <marta> marta: blockchain is great for supply chain. Like part tracking.
[08:29] <marta> coleen: good for counterfeiting
[08:30] <marta> adrian: level 2 idea - systems that cross multiple blockchains. Transitioning in an atomic way. Moving one blockchain into another
[08:31] <marta> ..."blockchain 2 blockchain"
[08:32] <marta> adam: blockchain linking is a term I heard
[08:32] <marta> adam: I added supply chain around fair trade certification
[08:32] <marta> ... organic certification
[08:33] <marta> coleen: can I do timestamps?
[08:33] <adam> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNKQ-hNFIpROyzQRig7a7kTBcmclAQlbv3MCCZfhHiE/edit#heading=h.i3vcpru00nyt
[08:33] <marta> adam - its very last minute
[08:34] == red40 [~red40@public.cloak] has quit [Client closed connection]
[08:35] == ahaller2 [~ahaller2@public.cloak] has joined #blockchain
[08:35] <marta> adrian: there is history command: "view last changes"
[08:35] <marta> adam: changes as of today
[08:36] <marta> ... I found that we're looking a lot at VC and blockchains. Will we merge it later?
[08:37] <marta> ... added education which is close to VC. Also insurance use case - again quite a lot about claims
[08:37] <marta> ... also one in identity
[08:40] <marta> server compliance with certificates
[08:42] == ahaller2 [~ahaller2@public.cloak] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
[08:43] <marta> what are the next steps?
[08:43] <marta> coleen will continue to refine
[08:44] <marta> ...I won't make it to april f2f, but I will continue to work on it
[08:44] <marta> ...till april
[08:45] <marta> marta: email all requests you'd have
[08:45] <marta> adam, what about use case document?
[08:46] <marta> adam: is it OK to assume that there is an identity layer to those use-case
[08:47] <marta> marta: yes, but also lets look at ones that dont
[08:47] <marta> adam: what are the use cases that I have not defined? Please give feedback on
[08:47] <marta> What are the use cases for the domains that we don't have UC defined for
[08:48] <marta> Government Records, Real Estate, Financial Services, Identity Management
[08:49] <marta> Problems with zoom.... OK I suggest we finish for today and agree to a meeting next week same time

Security Architect @ Blockstream


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Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2017 15:53:26 UTC