Blockchain use case idea

Hello Blockchain community,
Per our discussion last time, I indicated that I'd continue to develop a way to drill down and build out a way for us to elicit use cases from industry players whether or not a Blockchain is needed. In addition, one of my colleagues from the Mutual Funds industry (Andrew Sommers) indicated that he'll be joining our group soon. Attached is a diagram that captures some of the feedback from last time as well as a way to incorporate multiple business domains outside of just financial services. 
If there aren't more pressing items on our agenda that the team would like to discuss on Wednesday, we can take a deeper dive into the attached. I will incorporate this into our google open doc library in the future. Right now it was just easier for me to build the document on a ledger size 11x17 power point.

Received on Monday, 6 March 2017 16:34:30 UTC