Re: Solving the PGP Revocation Problem with OpenTimestamps for Git Commits

thanks for sharing information.

I don't use PGP (have used before)
it is interesting.
URL is added to my bookmark.


2016년 9월 27일 (화) 오전 1:48, Peter Todd <>님이 작성:

> Given the recent timestamping discussion, I thought my recent blog post on
> OpenTimestamp's git integration might be interesting to this community:
> While the git integration itself is just an implementation detail, and
> doesn't
> merit discussion here, I think the specific problem I describe with
> verifying a
> web-of-trust PGP signature in the face of revocation/expiration is a good
> example of a very real-world problem a timestamp proof can help solve.
> --
> 'peter'[:-1]

Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 05:19:30 UTC