- From: Marta <marta@piekarscy.org>
- Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 03:02:15 -0700
- To: Blockchain CG <public-blockchain@w3.org>
- Cc: Marta <marta@piekarscy.org>
- Message-Id: <1D4EBC90-8CA5-489F-87F1-B567BC546BBA@piekarscy.org>
Dear BlockchainCG Members, Thank you everyone who participated. 1) The minutes of the call can be found below. Sorry for not posting them but don’t have web access yet…. 2) [ACTION ITEM] for everyone: please go to the github https://github.com/w3c/blockchain/wiki/Use-Cases and \ put a + next to use cases you like/ would like to work on/find valuable \ put a - next to use cases you don’t like/absolutely find repulsive \ put a ! next to use cases you find dangerous 3) [OUTCOMES] Marta will invite bcoin.io to join us. Marta will send a separate email to start a discussion on mailing list on what we understand as blockchain. We have an active Korean Blockchain CG mailing list. Let us know if you’d like to start your local language mailing list to collect use cases in your language and that way skip the language barrier, We will start a slow 4) [NEXT CALL] Will happen on the 13th of October. See the invite attached.
————MINUTES FROM THE CALL———————— [08:11] <marta> marta to scribe [08:12] <marta> Confirm agenda. Please send agenda change requests in advance. [08:12] <marta> no objections [08:13] <mountie> adding agenda sharing CG Korean meeting [08:13] <marta> https://www.w3.org/community/blockchain/tpac2016-blockchaincg-meeting-report/ [08:17] == wayne_ [~wayne@public.cloak] has joined #blockchain [08:20] <marta> marta summarizes what happened in lisbon based on the meeting report [08:21] <marta> use cases https://github.com/w3c/blockchain/wiki/Use-Cases [08:21] <marta> victoria: are we still seeking for more use cases? [08:22] <marta> ...yes [08:22] <marta> victoria: how do we deal with tradeoffs between use cases? [08:23] <marta> ??: there is no way to avoid the tradeoffs, we should categorize and prioritize. [08:24] <marta> victoria: as long as we are explicit that we identify tradeoff and this is a standard for this particular use case [08:25] <wayne_> Marta, that was me making those comments about tradeoff ;) [08:25] <marta> victoria: we need to be clear as to what type of blockchain standard we are using [08:26] <marta> mountie: it is a complex question, what is blockchain [08:26] <marta> mountie: maybe we need to narrow down the scope to certain chains only [08:27] <marta> victoria: we need a generic definition of blockchains, to be able to communicate with people [08:28] <mountie> maybe we mute mic than the speaker [08:28] <marta> it seems that people are interested what a blockchain is rather how can it be applied to [08:29] <marta> victoria: i have been working on definition i can shae [08:30] <david> I also have a definition that I have been working on [08:30] <david> it's a one liner [08:30] <marta> blockchains are at war, they compete. Its a challenge to create something everyone will accept [08:30] * shepazu notes that the Verifiable Claims WG has not actually been formed, only proposed [08:31] <marta> we can come up with a great standard but if miners do not agree with it then they won't use it [08:31] <david> an immutable distributed permissioned transparent ledger with scalable storage, computing and workflow capabilities that enables permission real-time interactions, configurable consensus and replaces implicit trust with cryptographic proofs. [08:31] <marta> david: its also a great opportunity as well [08:32] <mountie> q+ [08:32] <marta> ack mountie [08:34] <marta> wayne_: davids definition works well for bitcoin world but doesn't encapsulate everything and yet its packed. [08:35] <marta> wayne_: we may be forever tied up here if we try define the blockchain [08:35] <marta> david: i do agree with you [08:36] <marta> wayne_: we should pick the ones where we have the most impact on [08:36] * shepazu hard to hear over the background noise from david [08:36] <david> I've gone muted [08:37] <david> Rodolphe was asking [08:37] <marta> rodolphe: start with use cases or definitions [08:38] <mountie> https://github.com/w3c/blockchain/wiki/What-is-Blockchain [08:38] <mountie> shortly created wiki page to gather comments from members [08:38] * shepazu hard to hear marta [08:39] <marta> marta: we will get into a rabbit hole if we start with that definition [08:39] <wayne_> ^ x 1000% [08:40] <marta> we should start with use cases, see which ones make most sense to us and define what blockchain is to us [08:42] <marta> victoria: state tracking, distributed consensus mechanism, crypto hashing, repackage transactions into blocks and distribute, (controversial) digital currency usage in some way to determine the validity. [08:42] <marta> victoria: these are the properties for me [08:43] <shepazu> +1 to characteristics vs definition [08:43] <marta> wayne_: list of characteristics is a better idea in my opinion than a definition [08:43] <marta> +1 from me as well [08:44] <marta> is it uncommon to discuss non-web stuff? [08:44] <marta> mountie - we will discuss mostly web related stuff [08:46] * shepazu can barely hear marta [08:46] <marta> shepazu would you post your prioritization criteria? [08:47] <shepazu> priorities / categories [08:47] <shepazu> * key stakeholder interest [08:47] <shepazu> ** implementers (and to a lesser extent, deployers) [08:47] <shepazu> ** competitor agreements, not clients [08:47] <shepazu> * active participants [08:47] <shepazu> * readiness of tech [08:47] <shepazu> ** maturity of spec [08:47] <shepazu> ** willing deployers [08:47] <shepazu> * breadth of use cases [08:47] <shepazu> * relationship to browsers / client-side Web [08:53] <marta> I think its a great list and will be a good start [08:53] <marta> will share it on the mailing list [08:54] <marta> Beecoin - full bitcoin node running in a browser [08:54] <wayne_> bcoin.io [08:55] <marta> marta to invite them to participate [08:55] <wayne_> Here's a link to Bcoin's announcement. I think they might have a lot to contribute to this group. https://medium.com/purse-essays/introducing-bcoin-fdfcb22dfa34#.ronl79vah [08:56] <marta> till next meeting everyone to express their opinion on existing usecases [08:57] <marta> mountie: korean blockchain cg mailing list is up and there is interest [08:58] <marta> we will gather them and put them up [08:59] <marta> meeting next week or in two weeks time? [09:02] <marta> rrsagent, draft minutes [09:02] == wayne_ [~wayne@public.cloak] has quit ["Page closed”]
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Received on Tuesday, 4 October 2016 13:13:33 UTC