Final Deadline for Blockchain Workshop

Hi, folks–

Today is the final deadline for the expression of interest in our 
blockchain workshop:
     W3C Blockchains and the Web Workshop
     29–30 June 2016, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

If you're interested in participating, please fill out the Expression of 
Interest form:

For our keynote, we are honored to have Dr. Arvind Narayanan, a noted 
academic expert on Bitcoin, cryptography, security, and privacy.

Thanks to MIT Media Lab for hosting the workshop and to Bloomberg and 
NTT for sponsorship. Due to their generosity, we have increased the 
capacity of the event to more than 70 attendees.

Leading up to the event, Media Lab's Dazza Greenwood is hosting a weekly 
30-minute webinar with notable participants, every Thursday at 3pm ET:


Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 15:02:59 UTC