Minutes: Final Blockchain Workshop PC Telcon, 24 June 2016



           wseltzer, shepazu, neha, dazza, Shin_ichiro, marta, Dan




      * [3]Topics
      * [4]Summary of Action Items
      * [5]Summary of Resolutions

    <shepazu> [6]https://www.w3.org/2016/04/blockchain-workshop/

       [6] https://www.w3.org/2016/04/blockchain-workshop/

    <scribe> scribenick: wseltzer


       [7] https://www.w3.org/2016/04/blockchain-workshop/#schedule

    shepazu: Let's look at the proposed agenda
    ... I took ChrisA's basic structure, and the items we talked
    about on the previous call
    ... then ordered them as I thought made sense
    ... I put emphasis first on lightning talks, then breakout
    ... each block has the same structure
    ... 1/2 hour lightning talks, then breakouts, then return to
    group discussion
    ... identity, provenance, blockchain primitives and APIs on day
    ... day 2, kitchen sink

    wseltzer: concerned about putting identity first

    neha: this looks great
    ... concerned re identity, but agree with putting it first
    rather than keep referencing it through allusions
    ... get the concepts on the table early

    shepazu: I hope the format will help
    ... to structure the discussion

    dazza: primitives and APIs seem to be logically first, even
    though I understand why they're later
    ... can we establish parking lot when they come up earlier?

    shepazu: let's have a whiteboard or pad on which to note things
    to pick up in later sessions

    neha: how will we decide who's giving lightning talks?

    shepazu: we had people who submitted position papers, and asked
    question in the poll
    ... propose to invite people via email

    neha: we should have someone chair each session, keep things
    moving, maintain parking lot

    shepazu: agree
    ... I hoped that 4 chairs, 4 topic areas, each of us would take
    ... Neha, will you or Dazza lead identity?
    ... not someone who's invested in the subject

    marta: I'm willing to chair a topic

    shepazu: leading a topic entails: you'lll get the list of
    ... helping to decide who's talking
    ... possibly soliciting additiona
    ... and emcee the session (timing, Q&A, discussion)
    ... help organize breakouts

    marta: I could do identity or data ownership

    shepazu: facilitator of a topic cluster will probably be less
    able to be involved in the conversation

    marta: I volunteer to lead the identity session
    ... since I've already spoken about it at UN summit

    shepazu: great. For "ownership", feel free to give a lightning
    talk or lead a breakout session

    neha: I'm happy to chair any of the other sessions

    shepazu: how about you do provenance

    <neha> where is the speaker queue?

    shepazu: dazza, why don't you do primitives



    <neha> thanks!

    shepazu: chairs, let's have a breakfast around 7am
    ... I know that's early, but helpful to get us coordinated

    [breakfast confirmed for 7am]



       [8] http://tattebakery.com/

    <neha> 3rd street tatte

    <neha> (there are 3 locations in cambridge!)

    318 Third St, Cambridge, MA 02142

    shepazu: [recapping]
    ... would you be willing to lead the Kitchen Sink session, Dan?

    Dan: yes

    shepazu: I'll send an email summarizing the leads'
    ... and suggesting topics
    ... we've assigned duties, I'll be coordinating overall
    ... anything else we need to talk about?

    neha: what about unscheduled activities?
    ... self-organized evening, can we help participants

    shepazu: [snarky comment]
    ... I've started a list of nearby spots and their atmospheres
    ... will share at the afternoon break
    ... inviting people to think about organizing groups

    neha: do we have a board on which we can write things?

    shepazu: big sticky pads

    neha: is there an email list for meetups?

    shepazu: I could make public-blokchain-workshop available
    ... and subscribe everyone
    ... I'll start by subscribing people, introducing list with
    instructions for unsubscribing
    ... then others can post
    ... I'll suggest that people tag [social] for meetups

    neha: then how will we use the list to discuss who should do
    lightning talks?

    shepazu: let's use workhshop chairs' list for lightning talk
    ... hashtag, suggest #blockchainweb
    ... I'll also note expectations of privacy
    ... speaking is public, but if you want to tweet something
    heard elsewhere, please ask
    ... should I ask people for twitter handles?

    marta: why not when they come to the workshop? at badge pickup?

    shepazu: I'll leave space with an @ on the badge,

    dazza: create a social page on the site, figure it out as we go

    wseltzer: who is the "facilitated discussion" facilitator?

    shepazu: you and I

    see you all next week

Received on Friday, 24 June 2016 19:02:35 UTC