Action: Time to review W3C submissions!

Hi all,

It's time to start reviewing.  We are doing this in a fairly informal,
public way.  The list of position statements and expressions of interest,
with links, is here:

We have more requests to attend than we have space, so we need to
thoughtfully consider who to invite to attend.  Here are the criteria we
are using:

*Please rate as many as you are able to reasonably read and review, with
the aim of spreading out reviews to cover all of the submissions. *

You can rank each submission on a scale of 1-5, where 1=strong reject,
2=weak reject, 3=neutral, 4=weak accept, and 5=strong accept.  Enter your
numerical score in the appropriate cell of the spreadsheet, and if you have
review comments, enter those as a comment on the cell.

We will average the reviews and sort them, taking as many as we can going
down the list, depending on capacity.

Please prioritize the non-PC submissions.  I have separated out the PC
submissions at the bottom.

Everyone is using the same spreadsheet; mistakes are inevitable, but
Command(Control)-Z is your friend (Edit->Undo).  That's the beauty of
operational transforms!

*Please get this done by EOD Sunday *so that we can send out invitations on
Monday.  It is already very late in the game to send out invites.

If you are totally Google-averse and don't have an account send me an email
and we'll work something out.

Note:  If you have not contributed thus far, not submitted anything, and
don't do any reviews, I might move to kick you off the PC :)

-- | @neha

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2016 16:49:37 UTC