Finalizing Topic List

Hi, folks–

Thanks for joining the blockchain workshop program committee!

As you know, we announced the workshop this Wednesday. So, it's very 
important that the website lists the topics we most want to see in 
submitted position statements.

I've heavily revised and simplified the workshop page [1] (I hope for 
the better) based on your feedback.

I got the following useful feedback about the workshop:

For the page, I'd like to see:
- what topics the W3C considers core to this event, what topics it 
considers passable, and what it considers out of scope; such topics 
might be in the sphere of protocol, process, technology and 
architecture, and organisation;
- what the W3C aims to achieve with the talk - I want to know that I can 
help make this happen;
- who will be attending, ideally as focussed as possible - I attend 
quite a lot of events and useful ones tend to be the ones with people I 
don't yet know;
- what the content of the presentations and seminars will be - not so 
much because I only want to listen to talks that interest me, but more 
to understand the dynamics and topics of the event;

I'm asking if you can each spend 15 minutes over the next few days 
looking at the workshop page with these questions in mind, and let me 
know what improvements we should make, by email or pull requests [2].

I'll soon be setting up a doodle poll for the next telcon.



Received on Friday, 6 May 2016 20:21:58 UTC