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Sujet :  Webinar - Bioschemas: marking up biodiversity websites for 
discovery and web-scale integration
Date de renvoi :  Tue, 23 Feb 2021 23:21:41 +0100 (CET)
De (renvoi) :  franck.michel@cnrs.fr
Date :  Tue, 23 Feb 2021 22:21:34 +0000
De :  TDWG Secretariat <secretariat@tdwg.org>
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Pour :  franck.michel@cnrs.fr

Webinar - Bioschemas: marking up biodiversity websites for discovery and 
web-scale integration Save the date:  March 10, 2021 16:00 UTC
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    Save the Date!  March 10, 2021 16:00 UTC

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      Bioschemas:  marking up biodiversity websites to improve data
      discovery and web-scale integration

        A Webinar by Franck Michel, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria


Although major aggregators such as GBIF are very successful in gathering 
data from multiple data sources, simple websites (HTML without semantic 
markup) remain the most common way of sharing scientific data at low 
cost. To help search engines improve their findability, ranking and 
summarization, it is now a common practice to annotate web pages with 
structured, semantic metadata using the Schema.org vocabulary. The 
Bioschemas community aims to extend Schema.org to support markup for 
Life Sciences websites. Its biodiversity group has proposed the Taxon 
type to support the annotation of any webpage denoting taxa, TaxonName 
to support more specifically the annotation of taxonomic names 
registries, and guidelines describing how to leverage existing 
vocabularies such as Darwin Core or Wikidata. This is obviously just a 
start. We wish to encourage the biodiversity community to adopt this 
practice and engage in the discussion about possible new terms related, 
e.g., to traits or collections.

We believe that generalizing the use of such markup by the many websites 
reporting checklists, museum collections, occurrences etc., as well as 
project  reports often referred to as grey literature, shall be a major 
step towards the development of novel, web-scale, biodiversity data 
integration scenarios. This presentation will be a continuation of a 
talk given at TDWG 2020 
Please note, to proceed further the biodiversity community must now 
demonstrate its interest in having these terms endorsed by Schema.org 
through live markup deployments and the development of applications 
capable of exploiting this markup data.




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