Updating the Computational Tool profile

We will be working on updating the Computational Tool profile [1] this Thursday 25th of February at 14:00 CET [2]. 

To be addressed : 
	- conforms to the last versions of Schema.org 
	- better articulation with Computational Workflow profile 
	- (consumption) use-cases 

If you are interested, please join the discussion. 

Best regards, 
	Matus Kalas, Alan Williams, Alban Gaignard

[1] https://bioschemas.org/profiles/ComputationalTool/0.5-DRAFT/ 
[2] https://univ-nantes-fr.zoom.us/j/92718433365?pwd=ZS9kZ1NZRFk4QzM1Um9PL3JiUVg1UT09

Alban Gaignard, PhD, CNRS

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 06:38:52 UTC