- From: Gray, Alasdair J G <A.J.G.Gray@hw.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2020 15:26:06 +0000
- To: Franck Michel <franck.michel@cnrs.fr>, "public-bioschemas@w3.org" <public-bioschemas@w3.org>
- CC: Olivier Gargominy <gargo@mnhn.fr>, Benjamin Ledentec <benjamin.ledentec@mnhn.fr>
- Message-ID: <AF36A29D-AFBC-4B66-894D-9D51F4C07D17@hw.ac.uk>
Hi Franck Thanks for updating us on this. Great to see the updated live deployments to the latest draft version of the profiles. I’ve updated the live deployment list for the website and it will go live when the PR is approved. https://github.com/BioSchemas/bioschemas.github.io/pull/322 Note that there seems to be an error being raised about the JSON-LD on line 199 of the below link. I can’t see what is causing it, but it is different from the tool just complaining about the Bioschemas types not being included in Schema.org yet. https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool?url=https://inpn.mnhn.fr/espece/cd_nom/60878/#url=https%3A%2F%2Finpn.mnhn.fr%2Fespece%2Fcd_nom%2F60878%2F Best regards Alasdair -- Alasdair J G Gray Associate Professor in Computer Science, School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Email: A.J.G.Gray@hw.ac.uk<mailto:A.J.G.Gray@hw.ac.uk> Web: http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~ajg33 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5711-4872 Office: Earl Mountbatten Building 1.39 Twitter: @gray_alasdair Heriot-Watt is a global University, as a result my working hours may not be your working hours. Do not feel pressure to reply to this email outside your working hours. To arrange a meeting: https://doodle.com/mm/alasdairgray/book-a-time From: "franck.michel@cnrs.fr" <franck.michel@cnrs.fr> Date: Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 09:40 To: "public-bioschemas@w3.org" <public-bioschemas@w3.org> Cc: Olivier Gargominy <gargo@mnhn.fr>, Benjamin Ledentec <benjamin.ledentec@mnhn.fr> Subject: Taxon and TaxonName types published by NMNH Paris Resent from: "public-bioschemas@w3.org" <public-bioschemas@w3.org> Resent date: Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 09:40 **************************************************************** Caution: This email originated from a sender outside Heriot-Watt University. Do not follow links or open attachments if you doubt the authenticity of the sender or the content. **************************************************************** Dear all, We have updated the markup of species webpages of the National Museum of Natural History of Paris. The 180.000+ webpages are now annotated with types Taxon<https://bioschemas.org/types/Taxon/0.4-DRAFT/> v0.4-DRAFT<https://bioschemas.org/types/TaxonName/0.1-DRAFT/> AND TaxonName v0.1-DRAFT<https://bioschemas.org/types/TaxonName/0.1-DRAFT/>. Main changes: - the taxon names (either reference name of synonyms) are now given with the 2 available options: directly with name and alternateName, and as TaxonName instances with scientificName and alternateScientificName. - identifiers of 3rd-party data sources are given with PropertyValue instances where the value is the identifier itself and the propertyID is the Wikidata property such as http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P846 for "GBIF id". You may check this example: https://inpn.mnhn.fr/espece/cd_nom/60878/?lg=en - In the source, look for: "@type": "Taxon" Regards, Franck. Le 25/10/2019 à 10:32, Franck Michel a écrit : Dear Bioschemas.org community, Good news: the National Museum of Natural History of Paris has annotated 180.000+ species webpages with the Taxon 0.3-RC<https://bioschemas.org/types/Taxon/> type that we are pushing for publication in schema.org. You may check an example here: https://inpn.mnhn.fr/espece/cd_nom/60878/ (look for the string: "@type": "Taxon"). The annotations follow the Taxon profile 0.4-DRAFT<https://bioschemas.org/specifications/drafts/Taxon/> that should eventually become the current profile as this is THE one that is in line with Taxon type 0.3-RC (the current profile 0.3 is NOT in line with the type 0.3-RC. Yes.... kind of confusing). @Alasdair: any news on changing the version of the current profile? Note that this is only a first step. In a second round, we wish to push for a TaxonName<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cQPR7KGU0fOHXiRoaJpahEgrX9i6SIc36X8cupfg6_4/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=114871180013004076623> type that will allow for more flexible annotation while making it possible for name-centric portals to annotate their pages without mixing taxa and names. Regards, Franck. -- Franck MICHEL - CNRS research engineer Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria I3S laboratory (UMR 7271) franck.michel@cnrs.fr<mailto:franck.michel@cnrs.fr> - +33 (0)4 8915 4277 ________________________________ Founded in 1821, Heriot-Watt is a leader in ideas and solutions. With campuses and students across the entire globe we span the world, delivering innovation and educational excellence in business, engineering, design and the physical, social and life sciences. This email is generated from the Heriot-Watt University Group, which includes: 1. Heriot-Watt University, a Scottish charity registered under number SC000278 2. 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Received on Thursday, 24 September 2020 15:26:28 UTC