- From: Franck Michel <franck.michel@cnrs.fr>
- Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 10:39:45 +0200
- To: "public-bioschemas@w3.org" <public-bioschemas@w3.org>
- Cc: Olivier Gargominy <gargo@mnhn.fr>, Benjamin Ledentec <benjamin.ledentec@mnhn.fr>
- Message-ID: <0a356d14-21a0-7068-d032-e9c083c64ea8@cnrs.fr>
Dear all, We have updated the markup of species webpages of the National Museum of Natural History of Paris. The 180.000+ webpages are now annotated with types Taxon <https://bioschemas.org/types/Taxon/0.4-DRAFT/>v0.4-DRAFT <https://bioschemas.org/types/TaxonName/0.1-DRAFT/> AND TaxonName v0.1-DRAFT <https://bioschemas.org/types/TaxonName/0.1-DRAFT/>. Main changes: - the taxon names (either reference name of synonyms) are now given with the 2 available options: directly with name and alternateName, and as TaxonName instances with scientificName and alternateScientificName. - identifiers of 3rd-party data sources are given with PropertyValue instances where the value is the identifier itself and the propertyID is the Wikidata property such as http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/P846 for "GBIF id". You may check this example: https://inpn.mnhn.fr/espece/cd_nom/60878/?lg=en - In the source, look for: "@type": "Taxon" Regards, Franck. Le 25/10/2019 à 10:32, Franck Michel a écrit : > Dear Bioschemas.org community, > > Good news: the National Museum of Natural History of Paris has > annotated 180.000+ species webpages with the Taxon 0.3-RC > <https://bioschemas.org/types/Taxon/> type that we are pushing for > publication in schema.org. You may check an example here: > https://inpn.mnhn.fr/espece/cd_nom/60878/ (look for the string: > "@type": "Taxon"). > > The annotations follow the Taxon profile 0.4-DRAFT > <https://bioschemas.org/specifications/drafts/Taxon/> that should > eventually become the current profile as this is THE one that is in > line with Taxon type 0.3-RC (the current profile 0.3 is NOT in line > with the type 0.3-RC. Yes.... kind of confusing). @Alasdair: any news > on changing the version of the current profile? > > Note that this is only a first step. In a second round, we wish to > push for a TaxonName > <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cQPR7KGU0fOHXiRoaJpahEgrX9i6SIc36X8cupfg6_4/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=114871180013004076623> > type that will allow for more flexible annotation while making it > possible for name-centric portals to annotate their pages without > mixing taxa and names. > > Regards, > Franck. > > -- > signature > > Franck MICHEL - CNRS research engineer > Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria > I3S laboratory (UMR 7271) > franck.michel@cnrs.fr <mailto:franck.michel@cnrs.fr> - +33 (0)4 8915 > 4277 >
Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2020 08:40:04 UTC