Using Bioschemas tutorial/Conferences


Now that GSoC application is done, maybe we can start planning 
dissemination/conferences for this year.

Carole has already mentioned UKON (http:/ I would like 
to add the idea of a tutorial at ISMB or ECCB (we are probably late for 
this one already) or SWAT4LS. We use citation data, so FORCE conferences 
could be also an option. And, we might want to go for generic semantic 
web conferences as well.
The idea would a bit of a hands-on tutorial so people can learn how to 
use pages marked up with Bioschemas.

And, we should go back to the journal paper whose preparation started a 
while ago (if we have not already).

Any thoughts?


Received on Thursday, 25 January 2018 14:19:48 UTC