Bioschema specifications

Hi all,

You can find now PhysicalEntity, Record and LabProtocol specifications 
at I will be working 
tomorrow on the Protein profile that customizes PhysicalEntity (and 
maybe Record as well, not sure yet)... on a second thought, maybe I will 
work better on a poster idea for SWAT4HCLS.


On 2017-09-13 13:37, ljgarcia wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please find attached the current overview for Bioschemas entities.
> Main changes:
> * PhysicalEntity and Record replace BiologicalEntity so the actual
> instance and the record are kept separated.
> * PhysicalEntity acts as a wrapper, the intended type is modelled with
> additonalType from the type Thing. It should point to an ontological
> type, for instance for
> a protein.
> * additionalType can be used as well in Record; for instance
> for a UniProt protein record.
> * LabProtocol has been updated accordingly
> * There could some further discussion regarding the structuralElement
> proposed for CreativeWork as it could be of general interest.
> We are now working on the specification documents and some examples as 
> well.
> Regards,

Received on Thursday, 14 September 2017 13:13:37 UTC