W3C BD Comics Manga Community Group - May sessions

Hi everyone,  

Quick reminder that May sessions will be held at the following time
slots next Friday, 3rd of May:  

1 - ASIA-EU Session details here [1]. 

2 - US-EU Session details here [2]. 

The call will use GoToMeeting via the following URL :

The current agenda of the session is as follows: 

- Overview of the different uses of the scroll feature in digital comics
(among which Webtoon);
- Defining the conceptual notions underlying the scroll feature;
- What can be done with EPUB and what cannot;
- Metadata from an author's point of view. 

Please feel free to mention any specific topic that you'd like to bring
up during this call.

Hoping you'll join this occasion to exchange, 


Simon Dubet - EDRLab 


Received on Monday, 29 April 2019 13:58:49 UTC