Re: Towards 0.7.1


I have a few remarks and questions.

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 8:33 AM, Alistair Johnson
<> wrote:
> All,
> I have released a new version of sbt-scalajs[1] that has the required
> functionality for the release process.
> Additionally,  I have been in contact with Rickard Nilsson, the maintainer
> of scalacheck[2], whom has (quickly) released a new version that cross
> builds to scalajs; this is already in master. As a result, I have produced a
> new library zCheck[3] that wraps scalacheck and scalaz’s Speclite

I see that the SpecLite code is just copied, without attribution nor
citing the license [1]. Also, I note that the package name was changed
from scalaz to zcheck.

I see that Lars was cc-ed, and I am wondering if he has suggestions to
make there.


> in a
> cross-compile format for use in banans-rdf and potentially other projects.
> An obvious target, directly or indirectly,  would be scalaz and shapelessas
> we are also committed to help them provide scalajs builds in their master.

Is there interest in the scalaz community to release SpecLite as a
separate library with scala-js support? I believe that would be the
right place for zcheck.

Alistair, I will be on IRC today most of today. Let's discuss the
integration, I think I need your new toy this week-end :-)


> I will next import zCheck into banana-rdf – please have a look at the
> plugin/library in the meantime.
> Kind regards
> Alistair
> [1]
> [2]
> [3],

Received on Saturday, 29 November 2014 14:40:47 UTC