Re: bigdata bananardf implementation

Hi Anton,

Why you don't want to use bigdata sesame API directly? I've been using it
some time ago together with banana and it was good enough. One thing that
is lacking is setBinding method,  but you can easily implement it using
values clause. Or alternatively you can use seasme SPARQLRepository.

Best regards,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Anton Kulaga <> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I have started to create bananardf implementaion for bigdata (
> ), is anybody else interested in collaborating?
> I already face many challenges there, as many things are different then in
> sesame. Although bigdata supports sesame it provides also native classes
> with some extra features.
> There are several problems.
> 1) Many methods in bigdata (all factories and most of query functions)
> require baseURI or namespace. I have no clue how I can write bigdata
> modules that will have configurable baseURI as most of implicit resolutions
> in banana are done from the typeclass that is passed as generic type
> parameter.
> 2) Bigdata has embeded and remote modes. Bigdata in remote mode returns
> different connection and Result classes than bigdata in embeded mode. Does
> it mean that I have to create two typeclasses: one for bigdataremote and
> one for bigdata embedded?
> --
> Best regards,
> Anton Kulaga

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 15:55:09 UTC