Re: LDP Implementation Report for rww-play

Updated WG conformance report:

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:37 AM,  <> wrote:
> Here is the latest implemenation report for rww-play [1]  ( dev branch )
> First of all thanks a lot of the test suite. These are very handy and useful.

Good to hear you find it useful.

> ( It could be improved perhaps by having the html contain the whole communication
> between client and server ).

I believe there is a way to do this, at least to stdout.  Will look
into tomorrow.

> Here are my reports:
> RWW-Play currently is a partial implemenation of LDP, though it does aim to be complete.
> It currently only implements BasicContainers ( though I will be implementing the
> other as I get time ).
> It goes beyond LDP in that it also implements:
>  1. the SEARCH HTTP method support SPARQL Queries
>  2. the PATCH HTTP method supporting SPARQL Update
>  3. WebID over TLS Authentication
>  4. Web Access Control ( see link above )
> Here are some reasons for tests that are not passing:
> BasicContainer-PutBadETag: I need to work out how to deal with PUTs on
> container. This would require checking that no new ldp:contains were added
> or deleted. It seems that this would mostly be impossible to use except on first
> creation of the container.
> This probably also explains why
> BasicContainer-ConditionFailedStatusCode
> does not pass.
> Henry Story
> [1]
>     To make this more useable we still need to
>  1. publish a stable version of banana-rdf 0.7.1
>  2. publish a version of the PlayFramework scala web server with support for client TLS authentication
>  3. move dev to master on rww-play
> Social Web Architect

Note I modified your report, changed doap:name object to be "rww-play".

- Steve

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 03:50:01 UTC