LDP Implementation Report for rww-play

Here is the latest implemenation report for rww-play [1]  ( dev branch )
First of all thanks a lot of the test suite. These are very handy and useful.

( It could be improved perhaps by having the html contain the whole communication
between client and server ).

Here are my reports:
RWW-Play currently is a partial implemenation of LDP, though it does aim to be complete.
It currently only implements BasicContainers ( though I will be implementing the
other as I get time ).

It goes beyond LDP in that it also implements:
 1. the SEARCH HTTP method support SPARQL Queries
 2. the PATCH HTTP method supporting SPARQL Update
 3. WebID over TLS Authentication http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/spec/
 4. Web Access Control ( see link above )
Here are some reasons for tests that are not passing:

BasicContainer-PutBadETag: I need to work out how to deal with PUTs on 
container. This would require checking that no new ldp:contains were added
or deleted. It seems that this would mostly be impossible to use except on first
creation of the container.

This probably also explains why 
does not pass.

Henry Story

[1] https://github.com/read-write-web/rww-play
    To make this more useable we still need to
 1. publish a stable version of banana-rdf 0.7.1 
 2. publish a version of the PlayFramework scala web server with support for client TLS authentication
 3. move dev to master on rww-play 

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 15:38:08 UTC