Re: AWWSW Telecon Tuesday 2011-08-30 ?

Jonathan Rees writes:

> HST wrote
>> you might well have gone on to write
>>    [ir:onWebAt "http://example/hen"] dc:creator "Elizabeth Bishop".
>> But of course that's wrong!
> I don't think it's wrong. Why "of course"?
> The way I would answer the question, who is the dc:creator, would be
> to take the representation (or maybe a presentation - the analysis
> isn't detailed enough to be able to say which - but you get the same
> answer both ways) to a librarian, and ask them, who is this thing's
> dc:creator?  And they will say Elizabeth Bishop. They are very
> unlikely to say "where did you get that from?" - and if they did, the
> answer might be, I found it at ten web sites, served at URIs with
> different domain owners.

>> We're talking here about the specific
>> InfEnt, presumably authored by the owner of the 'example' domain,
>> let's call him Raphael Sabbatini.
> The same considerations should apply to the generic and specific
> information entities. If Bishop is dc:creator of one, then she is of
> the other. If Sabbatini is dc:creator of the other, then he's creator
> of the other.

So now we're in a bind, aren't we?  How can Raphael assert his
authorship of the page without being judged wrong by the librarian?

> One of my gripes about the received TAG webarch is this attempt to say
> that representations are not documents. I think that's ridiculous.

Agreed.  But how do we recognise Raphael's contribution?

>> A further (only maybe related) point:  You say
>>  [that dc:title triple] is predictive: It tells someone that if they
>>  dereference that URI, they will get something with that dc:title
>> which I interpret to mean that there will be a way to verify that
>> triple by reference to the retrieved representation.
> No. Truth and verifiability are not the same. The statement can tell
> you that a representation has a particular dc:title, and this can be
> false, or it can be true without being checkable. Or it can be a
> matter of judgment.

Hmm, OK, I read more into "predictive" than you intended.

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
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Received on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 19:21:14 UTC