Re: ViWI Task Force calls

Hi, Ted

Before voting in the doodle, I would like to clarify the 

- Goal of TF
- Scope of TF 
  - RESTful API, micro-server architecture ??
- Moderator

- Specially, what is the most urgent and crucial thing 
  needs weekly conference call?

As you are aware, we are now engaging in finalization and 
prototyping of our VISS/VIAS to be in time for the time line
of WG's charter.

I would suggest that scope of TF you proposed aims exclusively
at one or two issues.
 (e.g. RESTful API, multimedia/multidivice operation, 
  micro-server architecture or something)

Finally, as naming of TF might could give a false impression as if
we work for VW spec, it might be better to change naming to high 
priority issues.

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
On our call earlier this week we discussed having a regular call to
explore ViWi further. There was interest in setting a fairly high
cadence at least at the beginning and meet weekly. Several of those
polled suggested Mondays were good for them. International timezones
are unfortunately impossible to resolve so we will settle on a time
that works for critical mass and will use the regular BG calls to
report on progress, along with this mailing list. 

Please take some time to fill in this doodle.

Ted Guild <>
W3C Systems Team


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Received on Friday, 13 January 2017 21:56:16 UTC