[auto-bg] minutes - 8 November 2016

available at:

also as text below.




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                     Automotive and Web Platform BG

08 Nov 2016



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/08-auto-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Paul_Boyes, Philippe_Robin, Rudi_Streif,
          Ryan_Davis, Stacy_Janes, Adam_Crofts, Wonsuk_Lee

          Paul, Wonsuk



     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Tuner update
         2. [6]VW proposal
         3. [7]LBS
         4. [8]Genivi security
         5. [9]Geolocation API
         6. [10]Redefining BG roles
     * [11]Summary of Action Items
     * [12]Summary of Resolutions

Tuner update

   -> [13]https://github.com/w3c/tvcontrol-api TV Control WG's
   GitHub repo

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/tvcontrol-api

   ryan: gives update on the TV Control WG's work
   ... lot of use cases are similar

VW proposal

   paul: VW attended the f2f meeting in Burlingame and explained
   their proposal
   ... Kevin sent a note

   /2016Nov/0001.html Kevin's note


   paul: any comments?

   (no specific comments)


   philippe: Philippe Colliot is busy now
   ... btw, there is news on Toyota's announcement on vehicle

   -> [15]http://newsroom.toyota.co.jp/en/detail/14129306

     [15] http://newsroom.toyota.co.jp/en/detail/14129306

   philippe: KDDI is mentioned here

   paul: good to know

Genivi security

   rudi: mentions Genivi's security work

   paul: opportunity to learn about security more?

   rudi: not completely open but there is a mailinglist
   ... and you can join it
   ... corporation address should be used instead of free mail

Geolocation API

   kaz: Edited REC has just been published

   -> [16]https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-geolocation-API-20161108/
   Geolocation API Edited REC

     [16] https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-geolocation-API-20161108/

Redefining BG roles

   wonsuk: looking at the existing BG Charter, think we should
   update it

   paul: should add LBS

   -web-platform-business-group-charter/ BG Charter


   wonsuk: agree

   paul: what else?

   kaz: wondering about the media work
   ... Ryan, is it OK to continue to work with the TV Control WG?
   ... they're removing "TV" from the API definition

   ryan: OK with working with them
   ... automotive input
   ... there is a lot of energy in that group

   kaz: good
   ... on the other hand, maybe at some point (not now) we should
   think about low-level websocket interface for media tuner and
   LBS as well

   paul: btw, are rechartering the BG?

   wonsuk: we need to update the Charter
   ... adding LBS, media tuner
   ... input from VW as well
   ... they have media portion as well

   kaz: from the W3C process viewpoint, BGs don't have actual
   charter period
   ... but the Charter wiki should be updated based on our work

   wonsuk: right
   ... new use cases as well
   ... Paul, do you want to say something?

   paul: agree
   ... Ryan working on media tuner
   ... Philippe Colliot and Qing An working on LBS
   ... new proposal from VW
   ... security is another big one
   ... Genivi security by Stacy is good one
   ... helpful for this group
   ... device interaction as well

   kaz: including bluetooth?

   paul: will put the note from on of the previous meetings

   kaz: the list from the Ann Arbor meeting?

   [18]Ann Arbor f2f meeting minutes (Member-only)

     [18] https://www.w3.org/2014/10/09-10-auto-minutes.html#item10

   paul: yes

   wonsuk: not sure if "device interaction" includes voice
   ... but there was interest in that as well
   ... voice interaction for driving
   ... like Amazon echo

   kaz: we had joint discussion with Glen shires from Google in
   Santa Clara

   philippe: if you want to get update on speech from Genivi, you
   should talk with Philippe Colliot

   paul: ok

   philippe: Philippe Colliot is completing PoC by the end of year

   paul: will send a list of collected topics
   ... we should start media at the next meeting
   ... sounds good?

   wonsuk: yes
   ... one of the ideas I have is
   ... how about making a TF for use cases?
   ... keep discussion on use cases
   ... what the industry situation is like

   paul: good idea
   ... e.g., for payments
   ... anything about IoT would be related to automotive
   ... communication with traffic company should be also important
   ... should discuss what kind of capability is required
   ... based on use cases
   ... VSS is a good example, media tuner is another good example

   kaz: during the Paris meeting, Urata-san and Hira-san mentioned
   they organized a hackathon using the vehicle api
   ... that event included several interesting use cases

   wonsuk: can dig the resource about that?

   kaz: will do

   wonsuk: can we put all the information together?

   paul: we should do that

   kaz: we can start with wiki?

   paul: think so
   ... mailinglist as well
   ... will take an action item to send the topic list
   ... everybody wants VSS and the BG should be complementary to
   the WG

   wonsuk: we have previous use cases and we can revisit them as
   ... also can get new use cases
   ... should think about what actual industry use cases are
   ... in case of the media stuff, there are existing Web services
   like podcast
   ... would be beneficial for the media tuner capability

   paul: sounds good
   ... we should start larger group discussion
   ... you and I should coordinate with each other
   ... Genivi guys as well
   ... should I send an email to the BG?

   wonsuk: yes, please

   paul: ok
   ... please respond, everybody

   [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2016 20:32:19 UTC