- From: Kévin Smouts <kevin.smouts@fabernovel.com>
- Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 18:00:06 -0000
- To: public-autowebplatform@w3.org
- Cc: "Abramski, Adam M" <adam.m.abramski@intel.com>
- Message-ID: <20140605011420.7627.11300@ip-10-185-135-33.ec2.internal>
*ATTN:* Automotive and Web Platform Business Group members Following a discussion we had with Adam, we discovered your group and would like to invite you to attend our upcoming Connected Car conference and hackathon, API Days SF <http://sf.apidays.io>, that will focus on how technology is disrupting the auto industry and driver experience. We have reserved 5 free tickets for your group <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/api-days-san-francisco-connected-cars-and-driver-experience-registration-11536414727?discount=autowebplatform>. If you don't get those in time, you can register for the conference with a 50% discount here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/api-days-san-francisco-connected-cars-and-driver-experience-registration-11536414727?discount=autowebplatform50 *When: * Conference June 13-14 from 9 am - 8pm Hacakthon June 13 7:30 pm - June 14 8pm *Where: * PARISOMA 169 11th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 *About the Conference:* API Days SF <http://sf.apidays.io/> is part of a global series that explores APIs from both a business and technical perspective. For this year's edition, we will focus on how APIs are transforming the driver experience and impacting industries beyond auto manufacturers. The two-day conference will cover everything from SV's role in the connected car revolution to the opportunities and challenges that will arise when all cars become connected. Speakers include Larry Burns (advisor to Google driverless car), Kin Lane (the API evangelist) and Lit Motors' Danny Kim. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at kevin.smouts@fabernovel.com *//* *Kevin SMOUTS* Project Analyst kevin.smouts@fabernovel.com +1 (415) 481-5233 // +1 (415) 626-6406 *FΛBERNOVEL* 169 11th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 www.fabernovel.com <http://sf.apidays.io> >From June 13th to 15th - Register here <http://sf.apidays.io/> to explore the future of APIs and car industries.
Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 20:38:23 UTC