Announcement - Final Specs posted for Vehicle Data and Vehicle Information Interfaces

Hi all,

We just wanted to formally announce that this business group has finalized the spec that we've been working on for the past 22 months and since the formation of this group in Feb 2013.  This is a major milestone as this is the first spec the group has created!

As you all are hopefully aware, the W3C, Paul and I are in the process of forming a W3C Working Group that will specifically address the needs and nuances in the automotive industry and web technology.  The charter is here for those of you who haven't seen it or would like to view it:

So this final Vehicle Data and Information spec we just finished will be the starting point for the working group to work on and hopefully deliver a W3C standard web spec in due course.  Pointers to the spec:

We wanted to thank everyone who has been involved with and had a hand at creating and molding this work.  This definitely couldn't have been accomplished without everyone's input!

Thank you all and I look forward to our next endeavor.

Adam & Paul

Adam M Abramski
Product Planner
Internet of Things Group/Transportation Solutions Division
503-264-8269 (o)
503-550-7910 (m)

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2014 21:06:37 UTC