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Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead
Forwarded message 1
> Tobias offered to give this group an overview of WAMP and to take a
> look at our Gen2 effort to give his thoughts on how they may possibly
> merge.
fwiw, I've looked through these 2 specs (and the VSS). anticipating the
actual wamp presentation, here are my first thoughts on mapping vss/gen2
to wamp specifically:
but an outright mapping as I understood is not necessarily a goal.
anyways, might be useful nevertheless ..
a naive question though:
did anyone actually ever implement a working prototype
did 2 independent prototypes ever talk to each other?
did anyone put on an app developer hat and scrutinized whether the API
and all that "feels right" (for an app developer)?
^ as in: "rough consensus PLUS working code" ;)
IMO spec authors should both be the first implementors and the first
users. to make sure, the stuff actually works and fits needs.