Gen2 Roadmap

Ulf provided me his assessment on Gen2 status and we had some back and
forth on Gen2 roadmap. I have converted that assessment to a wiki as it
would be easier to maintain a single resource than span a thread.

We should discuss during the next WG call on Tuesday and be sure we are
in agreement on scope and status. Feel free to provide input in this
thread in the meantime.

We have the start of estimates for the remaining pieces which could go
further faster with additional people stepping up in their editorial
contributions and/or researching and presenting assessments of existing
standards to consider leveraging around some areas such as dynamic
registry and access control.

The estimates will inform our request for a charter extension.

We will create corresponding github issues for remaining items where
none already exist.

Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 20:38:55 UTC