Re: Doodle for Automotive Big Data

Based on the results it looks like 0JST/8PDT/11EDT/17CET is most
conducive. I will have WebEx send an invite to our internal list.

On Thu, 2018-05-10 at 10:47 -0400, Ted Guild wrote:
> Doodle for Automotive Big Data task force calls, proposed every other
> week cadence on Thursday starting on 17 May. We focused on
> overlap times given participants to date. We can revisit or go with a
> rotating schedule should this become problematic.
> Please take a minute to indicate which times work for you. We will
> then
> select one based on critical mass.
Ted Guild <>
W3C Automotive Lead

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 20:52:50 UTC