RE: Auto-WCAG vocabulary

Dear all,

Thanks Wico for your words.

As an starting point to elaborate an Auto WCAG vocabulary, I have created a project named “auto-wcag” in WebProtege. This is a free access tool in the cloud for collaborative vocabulary development. This is the link to WebProtege:

Now the “auto-wcag” project is private. For those of you interested in the elaboration of the vocabulary, please sign up for an user account, and send your user name to me, in order to give you editing access to the project “auto-wcag”.

Now the project contains only the complete EARL vocabulary. And it is ready to be extended with new terms for auto-wcag.
I have copied this EARL vocabulary from another project existing in Web Protégé, the EARL 1.0 project<>. This is public and it does not need user identification to view the contents.

It is easy to use Web Protégé. This is a 15 minutes intro video<>. And here there is an user guide:

For those not familiarized with vocabularies in the semantic web, please consider that usually they use the word “class” to refer a “term” of the vocabulary, and the word “ontology” to refer the “vocabulary” itself.


José R.

José R. Hilera
Department of Computer Science
University of Alcalá – Spain

De: Wilco Fiers []
Enviado el: viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016 14:56
Para: Hilera González José Ramón <>
CC: Auto-WCAG List <>
Asunto: Re: Auto-WCAG vocabulary

Hi Hilera,

Thank you for this excellent suggestion. I like it! I have been looking at an update to our rule structure for the next meeting. We've already discussed breaking the results out from the test steps and put them in a separate section. I think this is a great addition to this. I'll have to look at maintainability. EARL isn't the easiest thing to write. But I'll have a look, and I'll have the proposal ready for the next Auto-WCAG call (next Thursday). You're welcome to join us. I'd love to get your take on it!


On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Hilera González José Ramón <<>> wrote:
Dear all,

According to the rules template at, the format of the test properties and outcomes is aligned with EARL.

Maybe could be appropriate to include at the end of each Auto-WCAG Rule the EARL code to express the results of the test.

As an example, I have tried to do that with the Rule SC4-1-1-id<>. The EARL code is at the end of this message.

The question is that EARL is a generic vocabulary about testing, and it would be necessary to extend EARL with specific terminology about WCAG testing. As EARL has been defined as a RDF vocabulary or ontology, it easy to extend it. For example, it would be necessary new properties for the term “Assertion”. This term represents the result of an evaluation. There are some EARL properties that matches with the ones used in Auto-WCAG Rule template, but it is necessary to extend them with other used in the rules, as Name, Environment, ID, ErrorMessage,.. And, in some cases, a list of possible values for them as a part of the vocabulary.

So, maybe the Auto WCAG group could define a new schema called “auto-wcag”, as an extension of EARL schema available in In this case I offer myself to collaborate to get it.

This is the EARL code example for Rule SC4-1-1-id. I have suppose that the auto-wcag vocabulary already exist.

@prefix earl: <<>> .
@prefix ptr: <<>>.
@prefix auto-wcag: <<>>.

[] a earl:Assertion;
  auto-wcag:name "Define ids for elements";
  earl:test auto-wcag:SC4-1-1-parsing;
  earl:mode earl:automatic;
  auto-wcag:environment auto-wcag:DOM;
  earl:subject <URL of single web page>;
  earl:result [earl:outcome earl:failed;
auto-wcag:errorMessage "The ID of this element has occurred before on this page";
earl:pointer [ptr:lineNumber  "----"; ptr:charNumber  "----"];
auto-wcag:id auto-wcag:SC4-1-1-id-fail1] .


José R. Hilera
Department of Computer Science
University of Alcalá – Spain

Wilco Fiers - Senior Accessibility Engineer


Received on Sunday, 25 September 2016 15:32:14 UTC