Re: Auto-WCAG vocabulary

Hi Hilera,

Thank you for this excellent suggestion. I like it! I have been looking at
an update to our rule structure for the next meeting. We've already
discussed breaking the results out from the test steps and put them in a
separate section. I think this is a great addition to this. I'll have to
look at maintainability. EARL isn't the easiest thing to write. But I'll
have a look, and I'll have the proposal ready for the next Auto-WCAG call
(next Thursday). You're welcome to join us. I'd love to get your take on it!


On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 6:17 PM, Hilera González José Ramón <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> According to the rules template at
> auto-wcag/pages/rule-template.html, the format of the test properties and
> outcomes is aligned with EARL.
> Maybe could be appropriate to include at the end of each Auto-WCAG Rule
> the EARL code to express the results of the test.
> As an example, I have tried to do that with the Rule SC4-1-1-id
> <>. The EARL
> code is at the end of this message.
> The question is that EARL is a generic vocabulary about testing, and it
> would be necessary to extend EARL with specific terminology about WCAG
> testing. As EARL has been defined as a RDF vocabulary or ontology, it easy
> to extend it. For example, it would be necessary new properties for the
> term “Assertion”. This term represents the result of an evaluation. There
> are some EARL properties that matches with the ones used in Auto-WCAG Rule
> template, but it is necessary to extend them with other used in the rules,
> as Name, Environment, ID, ErrorMessage,.. And, in some cases, a list of
> possible values for them as a part of the vocabulary.
> So, maybe the Auto WCAG group could define a new schema called
> “auto-wcag”, as an extension of EARL schema available in
> In this case I offer myself to
> collaborate to get it.
> This is the EARL code example for Rule SC4-1-1-id. I have suppose that the
> auto-wcag vocabulary already exist.
> @prefix earl: <> .
> @prefix ptr: <>.
> @prefix auto-wcag: <
> auto-wcag/pages/terminology.html#>.
> [] a earl:Assertion;
>   auto-wcag:name "Define ids for elements";
>   earl:test auto-wcag:SC4-1-1-parsing;
>   earl:mode earl:automatic;
>   auto-wcag:environment auto-wcag:DOM;
>   earl:subject <URL of single web page>;
>   earl:result [earl:outcome earl:failed;
> auto-wcag:errorMessage "The ID of this element has occurred before on this
> page";
> earl:pointer [ptr:lineNumber  "----"; ptr:charNumber  "----"];
> auto-wcag:id auto-wcag:SC4-1-1-id-fail1] .
> Regards
> ----------------------------------------
> José R. Hilera
> Department of Computer Science
> University of Alcalá – Spain

*Wilco Fiers* - Senior Accessibility Engineer

Received on Friday, 23 September 2016 12:56:25 UTC