- From: Wilco Fiers <w.fiers@accessibility.nl>
- Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 12:16:07 +0100
- To: "public-auto-wcag@w3.org" <public-auto-wcag@w3.org>
Hi everyone, In the past few months I've heard from several people that they would like to attend our weekly calls, but are unable because they have their own weekly appointments on Thursday. I've also noticed that people who were working on tests haven't been able to because they are unable to attend the reviews. Which is really unfortunate I think. To make it a little easier for people to participate, I'm considering alternating the day of the call. We could for example alternate between Wednesday and Thursday. So the call would be on Thursday one week, then Wednesday the next, then Thursday again the week after that, and so on. It would make planning participation for people a little harder, and may mean some of our regular Thursday attendees join less frequently. But I think that as long as we can have enough people on the call for a review (which we determined was four), it's probably worth getting more people in. We'll discuss the proposal in Thursday's call, but if you're not attending and are interested to do so let me know what day you would prefer. We'll decide if it's worth doing based on how many people would participate on a different day. I think Wednesday or Friday would be best as it would still put enough days between meetings to work on test cases.. Also if time is an issue we could reconsider this for the different day, though from what I've heard from people our current time works quite well for the time zones our members are in. Regards Wilco Fiers Accessibility Foundation NL
Received on Monday, 23 March 2015 11:16:35 UTC