[Fwd: Ask to elaborate use cases]

Junichi asked for a copy of this call for use case review to mail

Ted Guild <ted@w3.org>
W3C Systems Team

Forwarded message 1

  • From: 이원석 <wonsuk.lee@etri.re.kr>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2015 06:03:29 +0000
  • Subject: Ask to elaborate use cases
  • To: Qing An <anqing.aq@alibaba-inc.com>, Adam Crofts <acrofts1@jaguarlandrover.com>, "Gavigan, Kevin" <kgavigan@jaguarlandrover.com>, Justin Park <jongseon.park@lge.com>
  • CC: Paul Boyes <pb@opencar.com>, 이원석 <wonsuk.lee@etri.re.kr>, Kazuyuki Ashimura <ashimura@w3.org>, T Undecl <ted@w3.org>
  • Message-ID: <927A86A7956B074D9C861431DA4BA5351C14B926@SMTP4.etri.info>
Hi. Editors.
In the last F2F meeting in Seattle, we tried to list up the use cases including security and privacy for specs. Result is as [1] and we will have a call to discuss this probably at 5pm of 4th Aug PDT. (Paul, am I right?). Before upcoming call, we need to make clearer version of use cases. So I would like to ask you guys to elaborate current description of use cases [1] and hopefully you are joined the call. Thanks in advance!

After making well described use cases, as a next step we will extract specific requirements for the specs!

[1] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ij-2I-H4HbilVQ_muCmUayVqmVfdbkoke690MA0kdo/edit#gid=0

   (Wonsuk, Lee) / Senior Researcher, Ph.D
ѱſ ǥؿ(Protocol Engineering Center, ETRI)
Mobile: +82-10-5800-3997   Office: +82-42-860-6104
E-mail: wonsuk.lee@etri.re.kr
http://www.wonsuk73.com/, twitter: @wonsuk73

Received on Wednesday, 5 August 2015 01:42:08 UTC