- From: Christophe Strobbe <christophe.strobbe@esat.kuleuven.be>
- Date: Thu, 01 Jul 2010 14:51:30 +0200
- To: "Velleman, Eric" <evelleman@bartimeus.nl>,<public-auth-trans-nl@w3.org>
- Cc: "Shadi Abou-Zahra" <shadi@w3.org>
Dear Eric, At 12:09 1/07/2010, Velleman, Eric wrote: >Dear Christophe, > >Because of the holiday season I will come back to you later this >month. Hope that is ok. I will try to convene the stakeholders who >read and agreed to publication of the current translation so we can >discuss the changes you propose. It would be interesting to see if >we can update to a new version of the translation if we have more >changes in the errata document. Thanks for this. I will be attending conferences for most of the next two weeks, but I will be available again near the end of the month. Best regards, Christophe > >Kindest regards, > >Eric > >________________________________ > >Van: public-auth-trans-nl-request@w3.org namens Velleman, Eric >Verzonden: ma 28-6-2010 23:07 >Aan: Christophe Strobbe; public-auth-trans-nl@w3.org >CC: Shadi Abou-Zahra >Onderwerp: RE: Status of Authorized Translation of WCAG2 to Dutch > > > >Hi Christophe, > >Thank you for your check. Even though it is a bit late (we had a >final round earlier this year where you sent in comments that where >used in the document), I fully agree with you on the importance to >get the translation right. In the next days, I will discuss with >Fons from W3C Benelux about the best steps to take as the other >stakeholders have agreed already with this version. >Kindest regards, > >Eric >========================= >Eric Velleman >Stichting Accessibility >Universiteit Twente > >Oudenoord 325, >3513EP Utrecht (The Netherlands); >Tel: +31 (0)30 - 2398270 >www.accessibility.nl / www.wabcluster.org / www.econformance.eu / >www.game-accessibility.com > >Lees onze disclaimer: www.accessibility.nl/algemeen/disclaimer >Accessibility is Member van het W3C >========================= > >________________________________ > >Van: public-auth-trans-nl-request@w3.org namens Christophe Strobbe >Verzonden: ma 28-6-2010 19:04 >Aan: public-auth-trans-nl@w3.org >CC: Shadi Abou-Zahra >Onderwerp: Re: Status of Authorized Translation of WCAG2 to Dutch > > > >Hi, > >I don't like being the guy who spoils the party, especially after all >the hard work that has been done on the translation. But since I put >a lot of time and effort into contributions to WCAG 2 itself, I find >the correct representation of its content very important. > >I have checked the 220 comments that I submitted to the Dutch WCAG 2 >translation in December 2009 ><http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-auth-trans-nl/2009Dec/0001.html>. >Below are a few comments that have not been addressed or not been >addressed correctly. Issue g is the most important one. In my >opinion, it is even a showstopper for an authorised translation. > > >In normative content (Glossary: > >a. "general flash and red flash thresholds" > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#general-thresholddef> / > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#general-thresholddef> > In Note 3 "pair of opposing transitions involving a saturated red" >has been tranlated as > "paar tegengestelde overgangen, waaronder verzadigd rood", as if >"verzadigd rood"/"saturated red" were in itself an opposing >transition. This phrase should be tranlated as "paar tegengestelde >waarin verzadigd rood voorkomt" or "paar tegengestelde overgangen van >of naar verzadigd rood". > > >b. "idiom" > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#idiomsdef> / > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#idiomsdef> > "without losing the meaning" has been translated as "zonder dat ze >hun betekenis verliezen", as if the individual words would lose the >meaning (they don't), while the intent is that the idiom as a whole >would lose its meaning. This phrase should be translated as "zonder >dat de uitdrukking haar betekenis verliest". > > >c. "large-scale (text)": note 3: > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#larger-scaledef> / > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#larger-scaledef> > "the particular fonts in use" has been translated as "de >speciale lettertypen die ze gebruiken", as if "particular" here meant >"special" (as opposed to "ordinary"), instead of "specific". The note >applies to all fonts, not just "special" ones, so the phrase should >be translated as "de specifieke lettertypes die ze gebruiken". > > >c. "large-scale (text)": note 5: > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#larger-scaledef> / > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#larger-scaledef> >The syntax of 'De "equivalente" groottes voor andere lettertypen, >zoals de CJK-talen, zouden de equivalente groottes de grootte van de >minimale grote letters zijn die voor die talen gebruikt worden.' does >not make sense. >Better alternative: >'De "equivalente" groottes voor andere lettertypes zoals de CJK-talen >zouden de minimale grootte voor grote tekst en de daaropvolgende >grotere standaardgrootte voor die talen zijn.' > > >d. "navigated sequentially" > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#nav-seqdef> / > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#nav-seqdef> > "the order defined for advancing focus" has been translated as >"de volgorde gedefinieerd voor vooruit verplaatsend focus", as if the >focus actively advances itself (and resulting in unidiomatic Dutch). >The phrase should be translated as "de volgorde gedefinieerd voor het >voortbewegen van de focus" or (even better) "... voor het verplaatsen >van de focus". > > >e. "set of Web pages" > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#set-of-web-pagesdef> / > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#set-of-web-pagesdef> > "would be considered different sets of Web pages" has been >translated as "zouden beschouwd worden als verschillende >verzamelingen webpagina's", but "would" should not be translated as a >conditional expression here - to avoid confusion. > > >f. "Web page" > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#webpagedef> / > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#webpagedef> > The phrases "non-embedded resource", "other resources" and "Web >resource" have been translated as "niet ingebedde hulpbron", "andere >hulpbronnen" and "webhulpbron", respectively, i.e. as if resource had >something to do with "help". But the intent is web content in >general, not just help pages etc; "resource" should be treated as a >posh word for "object" (but English-Dutch translating dictionaries >are unaware of this usage). My alternative translations are: >"niet-ingebed object", "andere objecten", "webobject", respectively. > > > >In informative content: > >g. "Important Terms in WCAG 2.0" : "Accessibility Supported" > <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#new-terms> / > <http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/#new-terms> > "Technology features can be used in ways that are not >accessibility supported (...) as long as they are not relied upon to >conform to any success criterion (...)." >has been translated as > "Technologie-eigenschappen kunnen benut worden met methodes die >niet door toegankelijkheid ondersteund worden (...), zolang we er >niet van op aan kunnen dat ze aan een succescriterium conformeren >(...)." Which means: "Technology features can be used in ways that >are not accessibility supported (...) as long as we can't assume that >they to conform to any success criterion (...)." This translation >basically transforms the intent into something that contradicts WCAG. >The translation should be "Technologie-eigenschappen kunnen benut >worden op een manier die niet door toegankelijkheid ondersteund wordt >(niet werkt ...), zolang er niet op gesteund wordt om aan een >succescriterium conformeren (...)." > >Best regards, > >Christophe Strobbe > > >http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-translators/2010AprJun/0092.html >At 00:43 12/05/2010, Velleman, Eric wrote: > >Dear Coralie, W3C, > > > >We are pleased to announce that the majority of stakeholders have > >indicated that they have in fact reviewed the Dutch translation of > >the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 and that they consider > >it to be an accurate translation. A short report of the work sofar > >is included below. The list of all issues and the agreed and > >accurate translation proposal (as input into the translation) is > >attached to this mail. The overview has been sent to the list > >earlier for the reviewers and stakeholders. > > > >The translation as now agreed to by the stakeholders can be fround at: > >http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/ > > > >The errata is available at: > >http://www.w3c.nl/Vertalingen/WCAG20/errata/ > > > >On behalf of the stakeholders, the LTO and the W3C Benelux Office > >would like to advise W3C that from the standpoint of the majority of > >the stakeholders involved in the authorized translation of WCAG2.0 > >to Dutch, the translation is accurate and a new review round is > not necessary. > > > >We would like to plan a press release together with W3C for the > >launch of the Dutch authorized translation. > > > > > >***** > >Short report of the translation work and status: > >(...) > > > >Besides comments from the reviewer group, very few comments where > >received during the review period. After working on the comments > >from the reviewers, we ensured that a majority of the reviewing > >organizations sent an email to us and the translators' mailing list > >confirming that they have in fact reviewed the document, and that > >they consider it to be an accurate translation. Up to today, we > >received this message from 17 of the stakeholder organisations > >taking part in the translation. > > > >(...) > > > >Eric > > > >========================= > >Eric Velleman > >Accessibility Foundation > >University of Twente > > > >Oudenoord 325, > >3513EP Utrecht (The Netherlands); > >Tel: +31 (0)30 - 2398270 > >www.accessibility.nl / www.wabcluster.org / www.econformance.eu / > >www.game-accessibility.com > > > >Accessibility is Member of W3C > >========================= > >-- >Christophe Strobbe -- Christophe Strobbe K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD Research Group on Document Architectures Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442 B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee BELGIUM tel: +32 16 32 85 51 http://www.docarch.be/ --- "Better products and services through end-user empowerment" http://www.usem-net.eu/ --- Please don't invite me to LinkedIn, Facebook, Quechup or other "social networks". You may have agreed to their "privacy policy", but I haven't.
Received on Thursday, 1 July 2010 12:52:14 UTC