RE: Review period request for the WCAG 1.0 into Catalan.

Dear Coralie, Shadi and all:

Sorry for the delay in the answer. The Easter is "sacred" in Spain
(holidays), reason for which we have not been able to have a meeting until

The document with our observations is in the archives of the list, but it is
in Catalan. Therefore, we are going to write up a new document, in English
and Catalan,  gathering the pending terms or errors, facilitating its

Since this work team is a voluntary team, we requested your patience. We
will need some days to write up it. Thanks to take care of our
preoccupations. We worked with the only purpose of guaranteeing the best
quality of the translation and of diminishing the possible erroneous

Best regards,
Emmanuelle, in behalf of the SIDAR revision team for the WCAG 1.0
translation into catalán:
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo
Fernando Gutiérrez
Arnau Siches 

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Shadi Abou-Zahra [] 
Enviado el: lunes, 09 de abril de 2007 16:27
Para: Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo; Fernando Gutiérrez Ferrerías
Asunto: Re: Review period request for the WCAG 1.0 into Catalan.

Dear Emmanuelle, Fernando,

Thank you for your valuable contributions on the authorized translation of
WCAG 1.0 in Catalan. Coralie has already responded with regard to the
process for reopening a review period of this translation:

However, I am curious about the following statement in the original mail by
Fernando that initiated this thread:
  - "There were technical, semantics and linguistic issues raised by the
SIDAR team and admitted by the LTO and others that finally weren't added to
the translation."

Could you please provide some pointers or preferably a summary of these
issues (if possible in English for us non-Spanish speakers)?


Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo wrote:
> Hi Encarna and all,
> Of course, I agree with you in that all the participants in the 
> revision we worked very hard.
> Perhaps I am wrong. But the fact is that, as it can be verified in the 
> list of discussion of the revision [1], some questions were left 
> without discussing.
> And probably I'm wrong again, but I understand that it is possible to 
> open a new term to review the translation, so that the questions that 
> were left unsettled can be resolved. In fact, other participants in 
> the revision or who have acceded to the list of discussion, and users 
> of the translation, ask when the existing errors will be corrected.
> The reason is that it is not mere "typos" but that there are 
> syntactic, semantic and technical important issues to discuss.
> Therefore, the question is: It is possible to open a new term to 
> discuss on the translation? or Which is the protocol to follow to 
> indicate issues and to ask for its correction?
> All the best,
> Emmanuelle
> [1] 
> [cite translated]
> As LTO our interest is to offer a translation of quality, and 
> simultaneously reach a consensus, following strictly the  W3C policy 
> for authorized translations. In this sense, and with a global vision 
> of all the interests, participants and implied in this translation, we 
> were sorry not to be able to include the last propose suggestions at 
> the moment by the SIDAR in the process of revision in course that 
> closed day 3 of November and that is already into the hands of the W3C 
> for its definitive approval, because it have given outside term. As 
> LTO we commit ourselves to consider and to offer to discussion the 
> last received proposals of SIDAR in any new review process of W3C 
> guidelines that we initiate. Also, we asked all the collaborators to
consider them in their, authorized or not, translations.
> [end cite]
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:
> [] En nombre de Encarna 
> Quesada Ruiz Enviado el: martes, 27 de marzo de 2007 10:25
> Para: 'Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo'
> CC:; W3c-Translators@W3. Org
> Asunto: RE: Review period request for the WCAG 1.0 into Catalan.
> Hi Emmanuelle,
> Just one thing regarding your message, the Spanish Office was involved 
> in the review process, not linguistically but providing oversight of 
> the process and I have to say that there were many people involved in 
> this process that worked very hard to get this first authorized 
> translation of WCAG 1.0 into Catalan, so I do not think that meeting 
> deadlines was more important that the quality of the translation.
> Best,
> Encarna Quesada
> W3C Spain Office Manager
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De:
>> []
>> En nombre de Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo Enviado el: martes, 27 
>> de marzo de 2007 0:57
>> Para: W3c-Translators@W3. Org
>> Asunto: Review period request for the WCAG 1.0 into Catalan.
>> Hi all,
>> The reason for this message is to request the opening of a new 
>> revision period for the authorized translation into Catalan of the 
> 1.0.
>> This was the first translation following the W3C Authorized 
>> Translations new policy and the novelty of the process led to delays 
>> in the deadline fulfillment, and finally the deadline period seemed 
>> to be more important that the quality of the translation. There were 
>> technical, semantics and linguistic issues raised by the SIDAR team 
>> and admitted by the LTO and others that finally weren't added to the 
>> translation.
>> We are wondering which is the process to follow to open a new 
>> revision deadline for a published document?
>> Sincerely:
>> Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo, in behalf of the revision team of 
>> SIDAR for the WCAG 1.0 translation into catalán:
>> Fernando Gutiérrez
>> Arnau Siches

Shadi Abou-Zahra     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe |
Chair & Staff Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG |
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  |
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), |
WAI-TIES Project,       |
Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, |
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Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64          Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22 |

Received on Monday, 9 April 2007 22:05:20 UTC