RE: Concerns regarding translation!

Dear Najib, All,


Thank you for the reply.


We as enthusiastic contributors team are working together to enrich the
content of the Arabic translation.


We believe that our considerations and other contributors’ remarks are with
a great value for the overall outcome.


The variety of suggestions and/or considerations highly support the final
translation in the Arab region, because there are different cultural and
language formality usage.


Best Regards



From: Najib Tounsi <> 
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 3:03 PM
Cc:; 'Shadi Abou-Zahra' <>
Subject: Re: Concerns regarding translation!


Dear Nayef, all,

Thank you for your response.

Just to be clear. I have indeed suggested a kind of "glossary of terms", but
as a last resort (ultimately) if this could resolve the issue about terms
used in the translation, and if it is really very important. 

That said, we support this Arabic translation whether the suggestion is
taken into account or not. 

Best regards,



On 06/07/2021 23:39, <>

Dear Madam/Sir,


I would like to thank everyone who participated and supported this
translation.  We are all proud for such an achievement.


In the mean while we would like to introduce our concern regarding the
translation by proposing the following:


It would be a good practice if we include at the beginning of the translated
document a disclaimer mentioning that there are other alternatives for the
word "نفاذ" as this is not the only word that represents "Accessibility" and
we can list there its alternatives in the disclaimer. Accessibility is a
major term compared to the others. We also would like to acknowledge Mr.
Najib Tounsi regarding his suggestion “”"glossary of local terminologies"
for local use. This might be implemented as an "addendum" or appendix
(non-normative) to this Arabic Translation.”. We recommend as well to add
his suggestion in the disclaimer.




1.	في هذا المستند سيتم استخدام كلمة "نفاذ" لتعبر عن  "Accessibility"،
علماً بأنه بالإمكان استخدام كلمات أخرى مرادفة على سبيل المثال "إمكانية
الوصول" أو "الولوج" أو "الإتاحة". 
2.	وللتعرف على المزيد من المصطلحات العلمية المستخدمة في هذه الترجمة
يمكنكم الاطلاع على ملحق رقم () في نهاية المستند. 




Best Regards




Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2021 15:22:14 UTC